Egg drop soup

Egg drop Soup

Egg drop Soup...In this cold winter days, warm up with this chinese soup which takes only 3 ingredients and 5 minutes to prepare....


Serves 2-3

Water: 4 cups ( 1cup measures 225 ml)
Chicken or vegetable stock cube: 1
Egg: 1 beaten
Sweet corn: 4 tbsp (canned)
Corn flour: 1 tbsp mixed in little water
Pepper to taste


  1. Boil water in a pan and add the stock cube and mix until well dissolved
  2. Add the sweet corn kernels and allow to boil for 1-3 minutes
  3. Pour the slurry and allow the soup to thicken. This will take about 4-5 minutes
  4. Pour the beaten egg and stir slowly so that egg forms big chunks.
  5. Add pepper and serve hot and spicy!
Note: Check taste before adding salt as the stock has salt. 
You can omit the corn if you don't have or don't prefer. 
If you prefer bigger pieces of eggs then you can wait for a minute after adding the egg and then stir the soup. But I think slow stirring along with adding the egg gives perfect texture. 

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Happy slurping!

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  1. Very nice one and simple to prepare!

    1. Thanks please do try and let me know how you liked it.
