Blueberry cheesecake ice cream

Cheesecake ice creams

Cheesecake ice creams is the new trend in branded ice cream outlets and are high on demand. This recipe would give the luxury of having a scoop of such an ice cream at your home. Believe me when I say its tastier and healthier than the store brought ones. Try it out for yourself!!!!


  • Whipping cream: 2 cups
  • Condensed milk: 1 tin (397 gm)
  • Cream cheese: 1/2 cup (125 gm softened to room temperature)
  • Fresh or frozen blueberry: 1 cup
  • Sugar: 1/3 cup
  • Lemon juice: 1 tsp
  • Corn flour: 1 tsp
  • Any cookies: 5-6 nos


  1. In a pan add the blueberries, sugar,cornflour and lemon juice and bring to boil. Cook until a thick and coats the back of the spoon. Keep aside to cool
  2. While it is cooling, beat the whipping cream until soft peaks are formed. To this add the condensed milk and beat further until smooth.
  3. Add the cream cheese and beat further until well mixed.
  4. Crush the cookies and fold it in the mixture. If bigger chunks are preferred then break cookies accordingly.
  5. In freezer safe container pour half of the beaten mixture and on top of it pour half of the berry mix and create a swirl pattern by simply running a fork along through it. Repeat layer by pouring all of the cream mixture and then top it with the left over berry mixture. Create swirl and arrange few chunks of the cookies on top. 
  6. Allow it to freeze overnight and scoop out this lovely ice cream.
Note: if you prefer cheese bits in between the scoop then u can cut the cheese to small cubes and then beat it with cream else put as one block after it is very soft.

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Happy ice cream time!!
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