Jelly pudding

Jelly pudding 

What if I say this is the most easiest pudding you could have ever made? I know some of you might have got an image of an easy pudding that you have made in your kitchen...But I seriously doubt if that was the easiest coz trust me when I say my 6 year old , Ziana made this yummy pudding herself! It was literally a moment of joy to see it get unmoulded and not to say the smile on her face was a smile of achievement! So yes, let's move on to the three ingredient pudding!


Condensed milk : 1/2 a tin
Thick cream or any cream that can be whipped : 200 ml
Jelly crystals : 1 packet


  1. Prepare the jelly crystals simply by following the packet instructions ( you can use any flavour. I'm using orange today. But I have tried it in mango , strawberry and lime and all are equally good and worth a try)
  2. While the jelly is setting in the fridge beat the cream with a whisk till soft. ( Need not spend lot of time ..just say about 5 mins with hand whisk)
  3. Once the jelly is semi set ( set at the sides and shaky in the middle of the bowl) fold in the milkmaid and the beaten cream slowly with a spatula until the milkmaid and cream mixes well with the jelly and all big pieces of jelly is broken
  4.  Wet mould of your choice and transfer the mix to the moulds and allow to set completely in the fridge.  Demould when set.
Enjoy the easiest dessert!

Note : If you prefer jelly pieces in your pudding you can fold in the milkmaid and cream after the jelly is little more set than the semi set consistency.

Dessert Time!!
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  1. Hi shan ana. My pudding didn't set at all. Which brand jelly did u use?

    1. Hi shaima .. I have tried it with many brands of jelly and all have worked perfect. I doubt if you had not whipped up the cream to desired consistency. Pls try by whipping up the cream to soft peaks. And mix up when the jelly is semi set.
