No bake biscuit cake

No bake biscuit cake

A very easy to make yet delicious Cake to impress your loved ones. It is very different textured cake with a unique taste.  Give it a try and get all the appreciation! Let's get started. You'll need...

  • Digestive biscuits : 800 gms
  • Unsweetened Cocoa powder: 60 gms
  • Sugar : 200 gms
  • Water : 200 ml
  • Butter 150 gms
  • Vanilla essence : 1 tsp

For the ganache:
  • Any chocolate of your choice : 125 gm( I used hazel nut chocolate to get a crunch )
  • Whipping cream : 125 ml
  1. Break all the biscuits into bite sized pieces into a big bowl using your hand.
  2. In a different pan add the cocoa powder and sugar and get it well combined. Once combined add the water little by little and make a lumpfree mixture. To this add the butter and cook on a stove top for 10 minutes on medium flame. Allow it to cool for 15 minutes and add the vanilla extract
  3. Pour this mixture onto the broken biscuits and mix really well until all the biscuits are coated with the cocoa mixture.
  4. Transfer contents to a spring foam tin and press it evenly using the back of the spoon and make the surface even. Keep it in the fridge for 30-60 minutes
  5.  Prepare the ganache by heating the cream slightly and add the chocolate pieces to the hot cream and set aside for a minute. Then whisk it slowly until all chocolate is melted and mixed well with the cream
  6. After an hour take the cake out of the fridge and pour the ganache all over the cake and even it out using a spatula . Put it back in the fridge for 5-6 hours and slice out this chocolaty beauty!

Happy cooking!!

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