Kashmiri Malai Murgh

Kashmiri Malai Murgh

Kashmiri Malai Murgh is a spicy chicken dish with a creamy sauce and double cooked chicken. It goes very well with any roti or rice of your choice.

  • Chicken : 1 Kg cut into 12-14 pieces
  • Ginger garlic paste : 2 tbsp
  •  Green chillies : 5-6 (coarsely ground)
  •  Oil : 1/2 cup
  •  Onion :2 (ground to a fine paste)
  •  Tomato : 3 medium sized cut into rounds
  •  Red chilli powder : 2 tsp
  •  Coriander seeds : 2 tbsp (dry roast and coarsely powder it)
  •  Water : 1/2-1 cup
  •  Garam masala : 1/2 tsp
  •  Butter : 25 gms
  •  Fresh cream : 1/2 cup
  •  Coriander leaves to garnish
  •  Salt to taste

  1. Transfer the chicken, ginger garlic paste and greenchilli paste to a kadai and half cook it along with desired salt level
  2. To another pan add oil and saute the onion paste on high flame until it slightly changes colour. Once done add the tomatoes, red chilli powder and ground coriander and mix well. Add little water so that the spices dont burn. Close lid and cook until tomatoes go soft and the oil oozes out.
  3. To this add the chicken along with the stock. Along with this add garam masala, cream, butter and salt.
  4. Close lid and cook the chicken completely on medium flame and allow to boil until the gravy thickens and oil separates. This would take around 20 minutes.
  5. Once gravy thickens add finely chopped coriander and plate it hot with garnished coriander.
 Happy cooking!!

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