Bread Pudding - No Bake, Eggless

Bread Pudding - No Bake, Eggless

Bread Pudding No bake, Eggless

An eggless no bake bread pudding for those who want a healthy dessert! The combination of sweet milk and bread with the caramelized sugar makes this pudding a favorite for all those dessert lovers. The earlier recipe I posted of  Bread pudding was a baked one and I used eggs. Upon requests from the vegetarians and the non bakers I am posting a no bake eggless bread pudding here. Do try and post your feedback and doubts in the comments section !


  • Milk: 500 ml
  • Gelatin: 1 Tbsp ( or China Grass 5 gms )
  • Milkmaid: 1/2 tin (200 gms)
  • Bread Slices: 4
  • Fresh Cream: 100 ml
  • Sugar: 4 Tbsp for caramel & 4 Tbsp more for milk


  1. Dissolve the gelatin in 2-3 Tbsp of boiling water and keep aside
  2. Boil the milk with 4 tbspn of sugar
  3. Meanwhile trim the edges of the bread and cut it into small pieces
  4. Mix the milkmaid and the cream in a separate bowl and keep ready 
  5. Add the dissolved gelatin to the milk mixture
  6. Soak the bread pieces in this milk mix and keep ready 
Soaked bread in milk, cream and milkmaid

       7. Add the milk maid and cream mix to this and mix well and keep ready to be transferred to the pudding dish.
       8. Now to make the caramel, add the sugar to a heavy bottom pan and melt it on medium flame without stirring and until it becomes brown and smells like caramel as shown in the video below. Make sure not to burn it.

        9. Pour this into the dish in which you will be setting the pudding, on top of this pour the milk and bread mixture and allow to set overnight

        10. Cut into slices and serve with caramel side up. or simply serve it with bread side up with some drizzled caramel.
Note: If you are using an aluminium dish to set your pudding then you can caramelize the sugar in the same pan and simply add the milk mixture over it and set in fridge

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