Bread pudding

Bread pudding : Baked

Stale bread lying around in your kitchen? Here's the best way to use it. I love this recipe because it needs very less ingredients and very less preparation time. All what is needed is the time needed to bake this. For this wonderful delight you ll need:


  • Bread slices : 6 ( with sides trimmed)
  • Butter : To spread on both the sides of the bread
  • Milkmaid : Half a tin
  • Milk : 300 ml
  • Eggs : 2 beaten
  • Vanilla essence : 1 tsp
  • Raisins : 50 GMs


Pre heat oven at 180°C
  1. Butter the bread slices on both the sides and then cut it into two triangles
  2. Mix the milk , milkmaid and beaten eggs until well combined and mix in the vanilla essence
  3. Take a baking dish preferably a loaf pan or a similar shaped one with less breadth but more height and length)
  4. Arrange a layer of overlapped bread slices and scatter raisins on top of it. Again arrange one more layer in the same way. Keep arranging till all slices are done and scatter raisins in between slices
  5. Pour the milk mix on the top most layer and the gaps by soaking all slices well
  6. Place in a pre heated oven for 25-30 minutes in 180° C or until the top layer changes to golden brown in colour
Scoop and have this lovely delight when its warm.

Happy Baking!!

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  1. Is it possible to make this bread pudding without oven?

  2. Is it possible to make this bread pudding without oven?

    1. Hi Leji. Thanks for reading. You can try making this on a heavy bottomed non stick pan. Just grease the pan well with butter and assemble the batter and cook on v low flame. You can keep a steel plate on the flame and the pot on the steel plate so tat direct flame doesn't touch the vessel. This will prevent from the pudding getting burnt. You can keep checking if the pudding is done. Cook for a minimum of 15 minutes and then keep checking.
      Do let me know how you liked it

  3. I tried it without oven...its easy and so 😋....thnk u for recipe mam....

  4. I tried it without oven...its easy and so 😋....thnk u for recipe mam....
