Chicken Hariyali

Chicken Hariyali

I decided to try this recipe on the request of one of my dear blog subscriber , Shaikh Tasneem. This was the first request I got on my blog and I was really excited to try it for her and it came out real good. This recipe is from Punjabi cuisine and is really very quick and healthy with all those greens. It requires very less sautéing and ingredients. Try it at your home and I am sure your family will be surprised !


Serves: 4
Cooking time: 20 mins
Preparation time: 10 mins
  • Chicken; 1/2 kg (cut into small pieces)
  • Ginger garlic paste: 1 Tbsp
  • Oil: 4 Tbsp
  • Mint leaves; One fistful (1/3rd Cup)
  • Coriander leaves: one fistful ( 1/3rd cup)
  • Spring onions: 2 ( take all the white potion)
  • Green Chillies: 5 nos
  • Yogurt: 1/2 Cup
  • Garam masala powder: 1/2 tsp
  • Cumin powder: 1/2 Tsp
  • salt to taste


  1. Add oil in a pan and saute the ginger garlic paste for 1-2 minutes. 
  2. Add the cleaned chicken to this and let it cook uncovered on medium heat for 5 minutes
3. Meanwhile grind the mint leaves, coriander leaves, spring onions and green chillies to a smooth paste adding little water.
4. Add this paste to the chicken along with the salt, cumin and garam masala powder and allow it to cook for another 15 minutes until the oil is separated.
5. While it is cooking, beat the yogurt and keep ready.
6. Once the chicken is cooked add the yogurt and mix well and boil until it reaches desired consistency.

7. Serve hot with rotis or rice.

Note: If you prefer Chicken Hariyali with more gravy you can switch off the flame immediately after mixing in the yogurt. I preferred a thicker gravy so i further boiled it for 10 minutes for getting a thick coat of gravy on the chicken pieces.

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