3 ingredient Egg Fried Rice

Egg Fried Rice...Want a great way to reuse your left over rice? This is the answer... Easy egg fried rice made with very less ingredients and tastes no less!

  • Onion: 1 Medium chopped
  • Eggs: 3 numbers
  • Spring Onions with leaves; 1/3 to 1/2 cup
  • Refined Oil: 3-4 Tbsp
If cooking rice for the fried rice then cook about 1.5 glasses of basmati rice in 3 cups water and allow it to cool to room temperature before you use it or Left over rice: 4-5 cups.

Salt and pepper to taste ( pepper can be up to 1.5 Tsp)


  1. Add oil to a wide skillet and saute the onions until translucent
  2. Lower the flame and crack 3 eggs one at a time into the skillet with the sauted onions 
  3. Add salt and scramble the eggs slowly for few seconds. And once the eggs are 50 % done then immediately add the cooked and cold rice and keep mixing along with eggs. This will result in the scrambling of the eggs and also mixing it well with the rice
  4. Add pepper and finely chopped spring onions and mix well until all rice is nice and hot
  5. Serve hot with favourite side dish or sauces...

Note: The best results can be obtained if cold rice is used.
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