Sausage fried rice

Sausage fried rice

A recipe where lot of variations are possible and each one gets to be unique in its own way - yes, I'm talking about Chinese fried rice . You name it and they have a fried rice with that ingredient. So in that guts I too tried out a fried rice with a new ingredient ; Sausages. Now this recipe is one amongst those which fall on our dining table frequently and its mostly because of the easiness to make and the taste it gives and above all the ingredients are mostly in the fridge! This makes this dish a life saver when you have unexpected guests. So let's move on!


Serves: 4
  • Sausages : 7 nos cut into medium thick rounds
  • Ginger and Garlic : Finely chopped 1 tbsp each
  • Onion : 1 nos finely diced cubes
  • Capsicum : 1 nos cubed
  • Tomato : 1 nos cubed
  • Spring onions : 2-3 ( with the onions and greens)
  • Tomato ketchup : 2tbsp
  • Chilli sauce : 1 tbsp
  • Soya sauce : 1 tsp
  • Pepper powder : 1.5 heaped teaspoons
  • Rice : 2 cups  ( Cook this until soft and keep aside to cool)
  • Salt
  • Butter and oil : 2 tbsp each


  1. Take a wide pan or wok and add the butter and oil . Before it heats up add the ginger and garlic chops and saute well for a minute. It need not change colour. It just needs to lose the raw flavour
  2. Add the cut sausages and 1 tsp black pepper powder and cook well for 5 minutes by stirring occasionally
  3. Add the onions and wait for it to get translucent. Then add the tomato and give a quick stir for about 3-4 minutes and then add the capsicum and further saute for 3-4 minutes
  4. Add all the sauces , salt and half teaspoon pepper powder and mix well
  5. To this add the pre cooked rice and keep mixing well till the entire rice is tossed in the sauce well and the rice gets nice and hot.
  6. Add finely chopped spring onions and give it a nice mix.

Note : If time permits cook the rice prior day or at least few hours back and leave it in the fridge in air tight container and use it once the sauce is ready  . This will ensure the right consistency of rice !

Enjoy easy cooking!

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  1. This fried rice sure is a different one...its easy to make with no compromise on the taste. daughter went on saying yum yum while she was having her rice...that says it all. ..

    1. Thanks a lot Asha for trying and getting back to share your experience. Do try more recipes and happy cooking!

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