Cheesy Mushroom Cups

 Mushroom Cups

I was never a great fan of mushrooms and they rarely fell into my grocery list until recently. The reason to buy those were always a pushing force from my husband as he always wanted to try new tastes. This recipe happened to catch my eyes while I was searching for easy recipes using mushrooms just to finish up those box of mushrooms lying in the fridge. But once I made it we both loved the dish and my husband told , " This should be on your blog!" So here it is... You can have it as an appetizer or snack or as a side dish.


  • Mushroom : 1 piece for making one cheesy cup
  • Any two varieties of cheese ( I used cheddar and cream cheese)
  • Melted Butter to brush the mushrooms
  • Bread Crumbs to top the mushrooms


  1. Pre heat oven at 200 C
  2. Twist out the stems of the mushroom by softly rotating the stem. This will make the mushrooms look like cups
  3. Line a baking dish with aluminium foil and arrange the cups
  4. Fill the cups with the cheeses and top it up with the bread crumbs and drizzle the butter over the mushrooms
  5. Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes until cheese melts and mushroom is cooked all through
Have it warm!
Note : If you love spice in your food you can add chilli flakes on top of the cheese and then top it with the crumbs and butter. You can also add a teaspoon of pizza sauce on the base of the cup and then fill with the cheese and crumbs. If you happened to try some other variations do let me know...

Happy Cooking
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