Avial : a mixed veg side dish


Avial is a famous south Indian dish which is a mix of veggies and coconut . Its a must have if you are organising a sadhya , which is a vegetarian meal served for auspicious occasions. It goes very well with rice and rotis. Its easy to make and packed with nutrients.
Here is how  you can experience its taste for yourself!



  • Carrot : 2 nos
  • Green Beans (French Beans) : 150 gms
  • Elephant yam : 100 gms
  • Raw plantain : 2 small
  • Chilli powder : 1 tsp
  • Turmeric powder : 1/2 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Coconut : 100 gms freshly grated
  • Green chillies : 4
  • Coconut oil : 2 tbspn
  • Curry leaves : 2 sprigs

  1. Cut all the vegetables length wise in almost equal size and cook with the salt , turmeric , red chilli powder and very little water until the veggies go soft but not to mashing consistency
  2. Very coarsely pulse the coconut and green chillies and add this to the cooked veggies and mix well making sure not to overdo or mash the veggies
  3. Add the curry leaves and coconut oil and give a last stir

Serve with rice and enjoy the traditional taste of south India!
Happy cooking !
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