Oreo Cheesecake : No bake

Oreo Cheesecake

Oreo Cheesecake

Creamy cheese cake on a chocolate cookie base topped with super fine oreo crumbs and set without baking makes an Oreo Cheesecake easy to make and truly delectable. All you need is..


  • Oreo cookies : 25 nos
  • Softened butter : 75gms
  • Cream cheese : 500 gms
  • Whipping cream : 500 ml
  • Gelatin : 2 tbsp
  • Sugar : 80 gms

Oreo Cheesecake Method

1. Separate each oreo cookies using hands and neatly remove the white cream using a butter knife. Keep the removed cream in a saucepan and add the biscuits to a blender.

2. Blend the cookies until very fine and keep aside 1/3 rd of this mix for decorating the cake.

3. To the blended cookies (the 2/3rd portion )  add the softened butter and beat further until a crumble consistency is obtained.

4. Add this to a springfoam cake tin and press well with a back of a glass to get an even base.

5. Keep this in fridge while we prepare the cake

6. To prepare the cake add the cream cheese (softened to room temperature), whipping cream, sugar and the gelatine powder to the saucepan in which we have the cream of the Oreos.

7. Keep this on low flame and mix well until it gets smooth. Make sure you don't boil this cream mix. Just a small heating will be enough to get the ingredients well mixed.

8. Pour this mixture slowly on top of the base which has been setting in the fridge.

9. Keep it back to set overnight and next day using a seive dust the powdered oreo cookies (1/3 rd portion ) on top of the cake generously.

10. Unmould the cake from the cake tin and slice this beauty.
Oreo Cheesecake

Oreo Cheesecake

Delicious cooking!
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