Kappa Kuzhachathu/ Steamed seasoned Tapioca

Kappa Kuzhachathu

Kappa Kuzhachathu, Steamed Tapioca, Kappa puzhukku, Kappa vevichathu, Seasoned tapioca

Kappa Kuzhachathu is a very traditional Tapioca dish of Kerala . It is steam cooked tapioca mixed with a spicy coconut paste and can be served as a healthy and filling meal during anytime of the day. Try this and savour the tradition of God's own country !


1 Cup = 225 gms
Serves : 5

  • Tapioca/ Kappa: 1 Kg ( Cut into pieces)
  • Turmeric powder: 1 Tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Coconut freshly grated: 1 Cup
  • Green Chillies: 5-6 ( or as per taste)
  • Cumin Seeds: 1 Tsp
  • Small onion ( Shallots) : 5-6
  • Garlic Cloves: 2 - 3 
  • Curry Leave: 1-2 Sprigs


  1. Cook the tapioca in pressure cooker for about 3-4 whistles by adding half a teaspoon of turmeric and a teaspoon of salt. Once cooked drain off excess water and put in back into the pressure cooker.
  2. Meanwhile make a very coarse paste of the coconut, cumin seeds, shallots, garlic, 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric, little salt and some curry leaves.
  3. Add this coconut mix to the cooked and drained tapioca and mix well by mashing the tapioca too. Add required salt after checking.
  4. Serve hot as breakfast, lunch, dinner or even as a snack!! 

Enjoy Nostalgic Cooking!!
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