Oats masala Paratta

Paratta is an Indian dish which is usually made plain or with stuffing of choice. This paratta will give your day a healthy start as it uses wheat for the paratta and oats for the filling, Compared to the other usual fillings this one is much easier to make as it requires no cooking time for the filling.


For the paratta

Wheat flour: 2 cups
  • water to knead 
  • salt 
For the filling

  • Oats: 1 Cup
  • Red chilly powder: 1.5 Tsp
  • Coriander Powder: 1/2 Tsp
  • Turmeric: 1/2 Tsp
  • Coriander Leaves: few
  • Amchur Powder: 1/2 Tsp
  • Curry leaves: Few
  • Water


  1. Knead the wheat flour with salt and water to form a soft dough
  2. In another bowl mix all the ingredients for the filling and keep adding water very little at a time until you can make balls out of it. Make balls of the size of a big lemon and keep ready
  3. Now make big sized balls out of the atta. Roll it little and keep one oats ball and cover it into a ball and roll it carefully like a chappathi
  4. Heat a tawa and sprinkle some oil and cook the paratta on both sides by occasionally flipping it over until both sides get brown spots.
  5. Serve it hot with raita or chutney.

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Happy Cooking!!

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