Fig and Honey ice cream

Fig and Honey ice cream

An amazingly luscious ice cream with the rich flavour of dried figs and authentic honey is just a few steps away. With easily available ingredients, you can now make your family go , "Wow," with this quick and easy recipe.


  • Milk:  300 Ml
  • Corn flour: 2 Tbsp
  • Condensed milk: 1/2 tin (200 gms)
  • Vanilla essence: 1 Tsp
  • Fresh Cream: 150 Ml
  • Dried figs: 80-100 gms
  • Honey: 2 Tbsp
  • Water: 100 ml

  1. In a flat pan pour the water and cook the figs in medium flame for 10 mins or until water evaporates
  2. While the figs are cooking, mix the cornflour with about 100 Ml of milk and make it lump free and then add the remaining milk and condensed milk and mix well and cook on medium flame until the mixture slightly thickens (about 5 minutes). Switch off the flame and allow to cool
  3. While the milk mixture is cooling smash the cooked figs with a fork to form a pulp.
  4. Once the milk mixture is completely cooled add the cream, vanilla essence and honey and mix well
  5. Finally add the smashed figs and give a good stir
  6. Transfer to a freezer safe container and chill for an hour
  7. After an hour beat the ice cream mixture with an electric blender for about 2 mins and allow it to freeze again for a minimum of 8-10 hours
  8. Scoop out and enjoy!!

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