Tres Leche Cake : Three Milk Cake

Tres Leche Cake

Tres Leche cake or the Three Milk Cake is a very traditional recipe from the Latin America. It is basically a white sponge cake soaked in three types milk and then topped up with whipping cream. I happened to see this recipe and being a milk lover I could not resist trying it and believe me this cake will be any milk lovers' favourite. So lets get started to make this lovely milk soaked cake.

 For the cake

  •  All purpose flour : 1.5 cups
  •  Baking powder : 1 tsp
  •  Butter : 1/2 cup (room temperature)
  •  Sugar : 1 cup
  •  Eggs : 5 nos
  •  Vanila essence : 1/2 Tsp

For the soaking milk mix

  • Whole milk : 2 cups
  •  Evaporated milk : 340ml
  •  Condensed milk : 1 can

For the topping

  • Whipping cream : 1.5 cups
  • Sugar : 4 - 5 tbsp


Preparing the cake

  1. Pre heat the oven to 200°C.
  2. Prepare a 9" by 13" cake tin by speading butter and dusting flour all over and tapping off the excess.
  3. Sift together the flour and the baking powder and keep aside
  4. Beat the butter with an electric beater until soft. Add the sugar and beat further till creamy.
  5. Add all the eggs and beat until smooth
  6. Add the vanilla essence and give a good mix
  7. Add the flour mix to the egg mix 2 Tbspn at a time and mixing after each addition
  8. Once the batter is ready transfer it to the cake tin and bake for 20-25 minutes in 200°C
  9. Once baked take the cake out of the and pierce with a fork all over the cake.Allow the cake to cool
Preparing the milk

Mix together all the three milks using a wire whisk and set aside until the cake reaches room temperature

Preparing the topping

Beat the whipping cream and sugar until soft peaks are formed

Setting the cake
  1. Pour the milk mix all over the cake once the cake is cooled down.
  2. Set aside the cake until all the milk is absorbed by the cake.
  3. Once the milk is all absorbed spread the topping all over the cake and allow to set in the fridge. Once cold (about 2 hours) cut into squares and serve cold this divine treat.

Note: Use a slightly deep baking dish so that you can accommodate the milk mix along with the fluffed up cake.

However the traditional recipe goes for a plain topping you can sprinkle cinnamon sugar on top of the topping or use cocoa powder too for a variation.

Sweet baking!!

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