Chicken Schezwan Noodles

Chicken Schezwan Noodles

Birthdays are truly special and when its for your dearest ones the speciality goes heights above...Yes! I am talking about my husband's birthday...I always found true happiness in cooking for him and loved to hear the words of appreciation from him; which he often makes a point to mention.. I Should say I am lucky in that matter... This birthday I planned to give him a restaurant feel at our home table so planned a meal with items which he often orders at a restaurant.. One of those were the Chicken Schezwan Noodles. This Chinese dish has crunchy veggies and crispy chicken bits in between the long noodles that gives you a nice wholesome meal. Hope you too enjoy serving it as I did and trust me you will be appreciated...


  • Chinese Noodles : 150-200Gms
  • Oil : 4 Tbsp
  • Chicken pieces : 1/2 Cup ( Almost 1 breast piece cut into bite sized pieces)
  • Chopped Garlic : 1/2 Tsp
  • Chopped Ginger : 1/2 Tsp
  • Onions : 1 nos ( Finely diced)
  • Beans : 1/4 Cup
  • Carrot : 1/4 Cup
  • Cabbage : 1/4 Cup
  • Green capsicum or different coloured : 1/4 Cup 
  • Red Chilli Paste : 1 Tsp ( Paste from 7-8 Red chillies soaked in water)
  • Soya Sauce : 1/2 Tsp
  • Vinegar : 1 Tbsp
  • Salt
  • egg : 1 nos
  • Spring Onion to garnish


  1. Boil noodles and cook till soft. But do not over cook as it will get sticky. As soon as the noodles is 90% done drain it and wash off in running cold water and keep aside.
  2. Heat oil in a wide pan and when the oil is hot add the chicken pieces and sauté in high heat until chicken turns golden
  3. Add the ginger and garlic and give a quick mix
  4. Continue adding all the veggies in the order mentioned above starting from onions and ending with the capsicum. Keep mixing on high heat after adding each vegetable
  5. Add the chilli paste and the sauces and mix well and add salt keeping in mind the sauces do have salt
  6. Add noodles and mix well with a fork until its well coated with the sauces
  7. Add the whites of the spring onions and give a good mix
  8. In a separate pan heat a little oil and quickly scramble an egg and season it with salt and pepper and add it to the noodles
  9. Garnish with the spring onion greens
Serve hot....

Note : You can add veggies according to your choice and can also alter the spice level by changing the number of chillies.
Make sure the noodles is righty cooked
Make sure your pan is wide enough and always hot so that the veggies don't get too soft and soggy
Also take care to cut all the veggies length wise

Happy Cooking!!

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