Avalose podi ( Fried and flavoured rice flour)

Avalose podi

Avalose podi is a typical kerala snack and goes very well with bananas and sugar or simply sugar.


  • Rice flour : 1 cup ( preferably coarse variety)
  • Grated coconut : 1 cup
  • Cumin seeds : 1 tsp
  • Ghee : 4-5 tbsp and sugar ( optional)

  1. To a thick bottomed pan add the flour and coconut and cumin seeds and mix well and let it rest for 5 minutes
  2. Switch on flame and dry roast the mix in low medium  flame until it changes colour slightly
The avalose podi is ready and can be stored in air tight containers after it cools down. This is the traditional recipe and goes well with sugar and banana

Note : The prepared avalose  podi can be put into a blender with the ghee and required sugar and made into a soft powder. ( add little sugar and blend and then add to taste) This can be eaten as a snack and since we have added sugar we need not add again while serving.

Happy Cooking!!

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