Paal appam with the perfect texture

Paal appam

A very traditional breakfast recipe directly from God's Own Country. The dish is prepared from ground rice and coconut. The traditional recipe uses freshly grated coconut along with rice. But I have tried a small variation by using desiccated coconut to it and is more easy as it has no hassles of grating coconut. Here's what you ll need


Makes 18-20 appams

  • Uncooked white rice : 1 cup (pachari)
  • Dessicated coconut: 4-5 tbsp
  • Cooked rice: 1/4 cup ( white rice or red rice)
  • Active yeast: 1 tsp
  • Sugar: 1 tsp
  • Salt: To taste (1tsp approximately)
  • Water: as needed to grind the rice


  1. Soak measured rice in water for 5-6 hours 
  2. In a blender add the soaked rice, cooked rice, dessicated coconut, sugar and salt and water and grind to a smooth batter. Add water little by little while grinding and adjust the consistency. 
  3. Take about 2 tbsps of the batter and mix the yeast well and add this to the ground batter and mix well and allow to ferment for 8-10 hours (Overnight)
  4. Before making the appams stir the batter well and adjust the consistency with water or coconut water 
  5. Heat the 'Paal appam chatti' (or a small kadai) and pour a laddle full of batter and rotate the chatti to form a round shape with more batter on the middle portion. Then cook the appam with closed lid. Need not flip it over. Remove from pan when the middle is cooked and sides are light brown.
  6. Enjoy one of the best kerala breakfasts with any curry of your choice.

Happy Cooking!!

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1 comment:

  1. hi, Thank you so much for sharing this recipe, actually i have a question can i make this appam without yeast ?
